Would you like to learn…

how to grow vegetables, paint with watercolors, fix a bike? Learn something new and connect with people who share your interests! Find local classes and workshops like these:

Garden irrigation class at Bees n Blooms

Sat, Mar. 22, 10am-12:30pm

Irrigation Setup and Management Workshop

Best. Garden. Ever! Set up your watering system for success!
Bees N Blooms Farm, Santa Rosa

Learn to Knit for Beginners at Fiber Circle Studio Petaluma

Sat, Mar. 22, 11am 1pm

Learn to Knit for True Beginners

Studies show knitting promotes relaxation, mental health and brain heath! Age 10-adult.
Fiber Circle Studio, Petaluma

Dragonfly workshop at Laguna Foundation

Sat, Mar. 22, 11am-12pm

Our Wild Watershed : Dragonflieswith Kathy Biggs and Sandra von Arb

Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation, Santa Rosa

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